Dr.Sushil Mohan – Founder Director :
Dr.Mrs. Sushil Mohan, founder of India Village Crusader Movement ( I V C M ) is a great visionay and she has been involved in different Christian Mission organisations in various capacities right from the early 80s.
Equipped with the Doctrates in Divinity and Ministry she had been teaching in reputed Bible colleges in Chennai.
She was instrumental in planting churches in the remote villages and remains a pillar of strength to all those who strive to spread the Gospel in the villages of India.
Dr. Mrs. Sushil Mohan is the recipient of the following awards:

(by International Business Council) New Delhi
(by International Institute of Education & Management) New Delhi
MAHALIR MA MANI (Tamil title)
(by Tamil Nadu Goodwill Propaganda & Welfare Services) Chennai

Mrs.Hannah Charles – Director- Missions
Mr.Robin Chellappa – Director- Promotions

Robin is a Professor, School of Information Technology, Deakin University, Burwood, Melbourne, Australia. He tries to bring hope to those with none and change the lives of everyone he works with, including the staff, donors, volunteers and partners. He also does service among the youth. He is eager to reach as many people as possible with the Gospel of Christ through IVCM.
Ms.Esther Joyce – Director- Projects

Esther is a committed young Lady with a passion to serve humanity. .She is working as an Accountant in Women’s Christian College, Chennai-6.She draws upon her extensive experience to make cost effective investment to establish an environment that not only supports the current needs of the organization, but also the foundation for future initiative. Her desire is to reach hundreds of underprivileged through the projects of IVCM. She is zealous for Jesus and has a great burden for souls.
Mrs.Shanthi Manoharan – Patron
Mrs.Shanthi Manoharan is basically a Teacher in a reputed School in Chennai and has a natural concern for the underprivileged. Since the inception of IVCM, she is involved in its work in various capacities such as the secretary of the Advisory Committee and also the Associate Editor of the NEWSLETTER WARFRONT. She has willingly accepted to be one of the members on the Board of Trustees.